Hi-Roller Tripod

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  • Adjustable height from 4 to 7 feet.
  • Each leg is adjustable for uneven terrain.
  • Stakes and leg attachments are included to help stabilize the tripod.
  • Very lightweight at 7.5 lbs. each

U-TECK's Hi-Roller Tripod's can play a crucial role in ensuring the safe underground placement of fiber cables in long handhole runs.

This innovative tool eliminates concerns about damaging the fiber due to over-bending, preventing fiber breakage that can occur when entrance and exit ducts don't align correctly or when fibers are placed at challenging angles.

Set up additional tripods for sequential handhole-to-handhole installations.

Saves time and personnel when setting up a long pull.

Set-up is Fast and Easy

  1. Simply position the tripod over the handhole.
  2. Attach the Hi-Roller Placement Wheel to the eye bolt under the top plate. 
  3. Attach cable to the Hi-Roller Placement Wheel and pull easily from Handhole to Handhole.
  4. Set up additional Tripods as needed