Foxcom – IRIDKIT01X – Iridium Coaxial Repeater

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Foxcom is offering an exclusive Iridium Coaxial repeater solution, which enables users to stay connected to the world at all times even if all primary communication networks are down. The Iridium handset does not require sky view to operate, so users can remain inside in control rooms or bunkers during an emergency.

Foxcom’s Iridium Coaxial repeater is the ideal solution for mobile satellite connectivity in any indoor location, such as a control room, an operations room and a military bunker.

IRIDKIT01X – Iridium Coaxial Repeater Kit: The kit consists of Foxcom’s Sat-Light 4005 series outdoor unit (ODU), dual outdoor Iridium antennas and dual indoor ceiling mount antennas. RF coax cables are also included in the package.

IRIDKIT01XH – Iridium Coaxial Hanger Repeater Kit: The kit consists of Foxcom’s Sat-Light 4005 series outdoor unit (ODU), dual outdoor Iridium antennas and dual directional indoor ceiling mount antennas. RF coax cables are also included in the package.

The system supports 40 meters with LMR 400 and 20 meters when using LMR300 of cabling.

  • Testing can be done indoors at any time and in any climate
  • Easy to install and maintain
  • Quick return on investment
  • Savings on aircraft tug and technical personnel
  • Savings on heating and cooling costs
  • Delivery time is improved because the entire testing process is faster
Perfect for use in:
  • Underground Facilities
  • Military Bunkers
  • Submarines
  • Maritime
  • Oil Rigs

This product is only available to qualified parties, which include the following: International Customers (outside the U.S.), agencies of the US Federal Government, parties operating under the direction of the US Federal Government, parties that have received an STA or Experimental License under part 5 of the FCC rules.